If you are not an expert on customizing the WordPress child theme, you can skip this child theme part.
First of all, thanks a lot for purchasing our theme. We hope you will like the WordPress theme, and it would be great if you can spare a minute to rate it. Finally, If you need any support regarding our theme, please feel free to contact us via our profile page https://themeforest.net/user/essentialwebapps#contact
You need at least WordPress version 4.7+ installed for this theme to work properly. It is strongly recommended that you always use the latest stable version of WordPress to ensure all known bugs and security issues are fixed. Other requirements:
To install a theme, you must first upload the theme files and then activate the theme. The theme files can be uploaded in two ways:
Step 01: Go to WP admin dashboard and click on Appearence >> Themes >> Add New.
Step 02: Click on Upload Theme.
Step 03: Browse the file wish.zip which you'll have from the download and click on Install Now .
Step 04: Activate the theme.
Step 05: Click on Begin Installing Plugins link.
Please install and activate the following pre-packaged plugins:
N.B: All plugins must be installed and activated if you want your site to look exactly like demo.
Step 06: Select the plugins to Install and click Apply.
Step 07: After install the plugin click on Return to Required Plugins Installer.
Step 08: Select the plugin to Activate and click Apply.
Step 09: After active the plugin click on Return to the Dashboard.
The Installation process of a child theme is similar to the parent WordPress theme. Please note that the A Child theme is often used by the developers who want to override/extend a theme's features or functionalities without changing the parent theme's codes. You will get the child theme zip file inside the theme package.
If you are not an expert on customizing the WordPress child theme, you can skip this child theme part.
Usually, creating a website from the beginning is a time-consuming and challenging process. The theme comes with the most popular 'One Click Demo Installation' feature, which allows you to get the site ready precisely like the theme demo within a few minutes.
Few Important Notes:
Please follow the steps -
Step 01: Make sure you have installed and activated One Click Demo Import plugin.
Step 02: Go to Appearance >> Import Demo Data page.
Step 03: Click Import Demo Data button. It will take few min to complete import process. So, keep patience until import process completed successfully.
Step 04: Once completed import process successfully, you will get following success message.
Step 05: Next, Click on Revolution Slider >> Import Slider from menu.
Step 06: Inside dynamism theme folder you will get another folder called demo-data. Browse and upload the files marked in following image and then Click on Import Slider button.
Step 07: Now, we are going to import Essential Grid demo data. Go to Essential Grid >> Import Full Demo Data from menu.
Step 08: Inside dynamism theme folder you will get another folder called demo-data. Browse and upload ess_grid.json file marked in following image .
Step 09: Finally, Click on Import Selected Data .
Step 10: Check Result -
Dynamism comes with a significant amount of options to customize the theme layouts. Go to the Dynamism Options from the left panel. You will get all the premium options to customize the theme according to your specifications.
Step 01: From WP admin menu, navigate to Dynamism Options >> General tab.
Step 02: Next, If you want to disable the Pre-loading screen, turn ON the Disable Preloader? option.
Step 03: The Pre Loading Icon option allows uploading a custom icon for the Pre loading screen. Recommended icon size is 64x64 and file type in GIF format.
Step 04:
From the
Preloader Background
option, set the custom background color of the preloading screen.
Step 05: Finally, click Save Changes button to save the settings.
Step 01: From Admin menu, navigate to Dynamism Options >> Logo tab.
Step 02: Next, from the Logo Type Option, click on the Image button.
Step 03: The Upload Logo option allows uploading a custom logo. Recommended icon size is 200x40 and file type in JPEG/PNG format.
Step 04: To align the logo perfectly in the header area, you can add custom values in Logo Margin & Logo Padding options.
Step 05: Finally, click Save Changes button to save the settings.
Step 01 From Admin menu, navigate to Dynamism Options >> Logo tab.
Step 02: Next, from the Logo Type Option, click on the Text button.
Step 03: The Logo Text option allows add a custom text logo. Additionally, you can set Font Family, Font Weight, Font Size and Font Color from the Logo Font option.
Step 04: To align the logo perfectly in the header area, you can add custom values in Logo Margin & Logo Padding options.
Step 05: Finally, click Save Changes button to save the settings.
Restore WordPress theme comes with a custom toolbar layout style.
Step 01 From Admin menu, navigate to Dynamism Options >> Header Content >> Toolbar tab.
Step 02: You can enable/disable toolbar. You can also customize toolbar color, font size, texts and set padding according to your requirement.
Step 03: Finally, click Save Changes button to save the settings.
Toolbar Left Content:
<span class="margin-right20">
<i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> (+01) 284-5321-5831
<a href="mailto:info@restore.org">
<i class="fa fa-paper-plane"></i> info@restore.org
Toolbar Right Content:
<i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i> 504 Syl Avenue, Sylhet 1214, Finland
<span class="margin-right20">
<i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> (+01) 284-5321-5831
<a href="mailto:info@restore.org">
<i class="fa fa-paper-plane"></i> info@restore.org
Step 01 From Admin menu, navigate to Dynamism Options >> Header Content >> Header Middle & Right Content tab.
Step 02: You can customize menu color, menu item background, menu fonts and set padding/margin according to your requirement.
Step 03: Finally, click Save Changes button to save the settings.
Step 01 From Admin menu, navigate to Dynamism Options >> Styling Options >> Body Styling tab.
Step 02: You can set body background, fonts, text size, link colors according to your requirements. Also, you can manage heading(h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6) color and font size. You can set theme sidebar(widget) background and fonts from body styling section.
Step 03: Finally, click Save Changes button to save the settings.
Step 01 From Admin menu, navigate to Dynamism Options >> Styling Options >> Header Styling tab.
Step 02: You can enable/disable sticky header option from here. Also, set custom font and background color of default header and after sticky position font and background color.
Step 03: Finally, click Save Changes button to save the settings.
Step 01 From Admin menu, navigate to Dynamism Options >> Styling Options >> Bottom Styling tab.
Step 02: You can set custom background image and background color bottom. Also, customize bottom widget fonts and colors.
Step 03: Finally, click Save Changes button to save the settings.
Step 01 From Admin menu, navigate to Dynamism Options >> Customize Headers >> Header Style 1 tab.
Step 02: You can set custom background image and background color bottom. Also, customize bottom widget fonts and colors.
Step 03: Finally, click Save Changes button to save the settings.
Step 01 From Admin menu, navigate to Dynamism Options >> Customize Headers >> Header Style 2 tab.
Step 02: You can set custom background image and background color bottom. Also, customize bottom widget fonts and colors.
Step 03: Finally, click Save Changes button to save the settings.
Step 01 From Admin menu, navigate to Dynamism Options >> WPBakery Elements >> Section Headline tab.
Step 02: You can set custom background image and background color bottom. Also, customize bottom widget fonts and colors.
Step 03: Finally, click Save Changes button to save the settings.
Check the different part creation/editing process (Home, Events, Pages- About Us, Contact Us, Services, Store Etc.)
The following part of the documentation consider that you already read (if not then it is strongly recommend that you read them first) the documentation of Revolution Slider, Essential Grid, WPBakery Page Builder, WPBakery Page Builder Ultimate Addon, One Page Navigator those are available in the documentation folder and can able to create Slider, Grid with essential grid, use drag n drop page builder etc.
Step 1: Go to "Pages > Add New" from the left panel.
Step 2: Input the title "Home" of the page. From the right side Page Attribute, select Home Page from the Template selection dropdown. From The right side Dynamism Metabox select "Post Sidebar Display" to "Without Sidebar", "Post Thumbnail Display" to "Hide", "Post Title Display" to "Hide", "Post Meta Display" to "Hide", "WPBakery Page Builder Page" to "Yes" .
Note: You can edit the Custom Header color's by going to Dynamism Options from the admin left panel and then go to Custom Headers->Header Style 1 or Custom Headers->Header Style 2. To select the Custom Header for any home pages, just go to any page and then in the right side Page Attributes set the Template to Homepage Header1 or Homepage Header2, from the dropdown
Step 3: Click on Backend Editor to achieve WPBakery Page Builder drag n drop process
Step 4: Click on Add New Element to achieve a Row of WPBakery Page Builder
Step 5: Inside the Row you can add different elements by drag n drop WPBakery Page Builder
Step 6: In the home Page first Row we added a Revolution Slider, you can also add different elements in other different Row's
Step 7: Like the above we add WPBakery Page Builder Text Block Elements, Essesntial Grid Elements, etc to achieve the home page layout, you should see WPBakery Page Builder and WPBakery Page Builder Ultimate Addon Documentation in the Documentation Folder
Step 8: Here are the screenshot of Different Elements we used in the Home 1
Step 9: Here are the screenshot of Different Elements we used in the Home 2
Step 10: Here are the screenshot of Different Elements we used in the Home 3
Step 11: Here are the screenshot of Different Elements we used in the Home 4
Step 12: To set up the bottom part widget go to Appearance -> Widget from the left panel and then drag the Text widget to Bottom One sidebar area. Fill it with your own content and Click Save
Step 13: To set up the bottom part widget go to Appearance -> Widget from the left panel and then drag the Mail Chimp Signup Form and Dynamism Social Link to Bottom Two sidebar area. Fill it with your own content and Click Save
Step 14: To set up the bottom part widget go to Appearance -> Widget from the left panel and then drag the Latest Tweets widget to Bottom Three sidebar area, configure it and click Save. It will not show you untill you use your Twitter API keys. To set up your twitter api keys go to Settings -> Twitter Api and setup the API keys which you'll have from your Twitter account and click save. Now your twitter feed will show
Step 15: It will not show you untill you use your Twitter API keys. To set up your twitter api keys go to Settings -> Twitter Api and setup the API keys which you'll have from your Twitter account and click Save Settings. Now your twitter feed will show
Step 1: Go to "Pages > Add New" from the left panel.
Step 2: Input the title "Home" of the page. From the right side Page Attribute, select One Page from the Template selection dropdown. From The right side Dynamism Metabox select "Post Sidebar Display" to "Without Sidebar", "Post Thumbnail Display" to "Hide", "Post Title Display" to "Hide", "Post Meta Display" to "Hide", "WPBakery Page Builder Page" to "Yes" .
Note: You can edit the Custom Header color's by going to Dynamism Options from the admin left panel and then go to Custom Headers->Header Style 1 or Custom Headers->Header Style 2. To select the Custom Header for any One Pages, just go to any page and then in the right side Page Attributes set the Template to One Page Header1 or One Page Header2, from the dropdown
Step 3: Click on Backend Editor to achieve WPBakery Page Builder drag n drop process.
Step 4: Click on Add New Element to achieve a Row of WPBakery Page Builder
Step 5: Inside the Row you can add different elements by drag n drop WPBakery Page Builder
Step 6: In the home Page first Row we added a Revolution Slider, you can also add different elements in other different Row's
Step 7: Like the above we add WPBakery Page Builder Text Block Elements, Essesntial Grid Elements, etc to achieve the one page layout, you should see One Page Navigation , WPBakery Page Builder and WPBakery Page Builder Ultimate Addon Documentation in the Documentation Folder
Step 8: Here are the screenshot of Different Elements we used in the One Page 1
Step 9 Here are the screenshot of Different Elements we used in the One Page 2
Step 10: Here are the screenshot of Different Elements we used in the One Page 3
Step 11: To set up the bottom part widget go to Appearance -> Widget from the left panel and then drag the Text widget to Bottom One sidebar area. Fill it with your own content and Click Save
Step 12: To set up the bottom part widget go to Appearance -> Widget from the left panel and then drag the Mail Chimp Signup Form and Dynamism Social Link to Bottom Two sidebar area. Fill it with your own content and Click Save
Step 13: To set up the bottom part widget go to Appearance -> Widget from the left panel and then drag the Latest Tweets widget to Bottom Three sidebar area, configure it and click Save. It will not show you untill you use your Twitter API keys. To set up your twitter api keys go to Settings -> Twitter Api and setup the API keys which you'll have from your Twitter account and click save. Now your twitter feed will show
Step 14: It will not show you untill you use your Twitter API keys. To set up your twitter api keys go to Settings -> Twitter Api and setup the API keys which you'll have from your Twitter account and click Save Settings. Now your twitter feed will show
Step 1: Click on Events->Event Categories from the admin side left panel and create an event Category (Ex: Main Events)
Step 2: Click on Events->Events from the admin side left panel and create events under the Category by inputting the event description, details, time, venues, organizer (Ex: Main Events)
Step 3: Repeat this step to create events
Step 4: Click on Events->Settings->Display from the admin side left panel and set the Events Template to Events from the dropdown and also set the other things according to following screenshot
Step 5: Go to Appearance->Menus from the admin side left panel and add Events menu items to the menu (Ex: see the following screenshot)
Step 6: Now you should see the Events menu item with different events in the front end
Step 1: Click on Posts->Categories from the admin side left panel and create post Categories
Step 2: Click on Posts->Add New from the admin side left panel and create post under the Categories. Set the right side Dynamism Metabox according to your needs for single post view
Step 3: Click on Pages->Add New from the admin side left panel and input Page Title
Step 4: In the right side Page Attributes set the Template to Blog Both Sidebar, Blog Full Width, Blog Left Sidebar, Blog Right Sidebar, Blog Sidebars in Left or Blog Sidebars in Right, whatever layout you want from the dropdown
Step 5: Go to Appearance->Menus from the admin side left panel and add this page to the menu
Step 6: Now you should see the Blog menu item with different blog layout in the front end
Step 1: Go to "Pages > Add New" from the left panel.
Step 2: Input the title "About Us" of the page. From the right side Page Attribute, select Home Page from the Template selection dropdown. From The right side Dynamism Metabox select "Post Sidebar Display" to "Without Sidebar", "Post Thumbnail Display" to "Hide", "Post Title Display" to "Hide", "Post Meta Display" to "Hide", "WPBakery Page Builder Page" to "Yes"
Step 3: Click on Backend Editor to achieve WPBakery Page Builder drag n drop process
Step 4: Click on Add New Element to achieve a Row of WPBakery Page Builder
Step 5: Inside the Row you can add different elements by drag n drop WPBakery Page Builder
Step 6: We add WPBakery Page Builder Text Block Elements, Headings etc to achieve the about page layout, you should see WPBakery Page Builder and WPBakery Page Builder Ultimate Addon Documentation in the Documentation Folder
Step 7: Here are the screenshot of Different Elements we used in the About Us page.
Step 8: Go to Appearance->Menus from the admin side left panel and add this page to the menu
Step 1: Go to "Pages > Add New" from the left panel.
Step 2: Input the title "Services" of the page. From the right side Page Attribute, select Home Page from the Template selection dropdown. From The right side Dynamism Metabox select "Post Sidebar Display" to "Without Sidebar", "Post Thumbnail Display" to "Hide", "Post Title Display" to "Hide", "Post Meta Display" to "Hide", "WPBakery Page Builder Page" to "Yes"
Step 3: Click on Backend Editor to achieve WPBakery Page Builder drag n drop process
Step 4: Click on Add New Element to achieve a Row of WPBakery Page Builder
Step 5: Inside the Row you can add different elements by drag n drop WPBakery Page Builder
Step 6: We add WPBakery Page Builder Text Block Elements, Headings, Progress Bar etc to achieve the Services page layout, you should see WPBakery Page Builder and WPBakery Page Builder Ultimate Addon Documentation in the Documentation Folder
Step 7: Here are the screenshot of Different Elements we used in the Services page
Step 8: Go to Appearance->Menus from the admin side left panel and add this page to the menu
Step 1: Go to "Seamless Donation > Settings" from the left panel and set the Notification and Paypal account email address to receive the fund.
Step 2: Set the advanced Form Option, Check the Funds, Doners, set the Thank you Page, Thank you email etc by clicking from the left panel (See the screenshots)
Step 2: Go to "Pages > Add New" from the left panel.
Step 3: Input the title "Donate Us" of the page. From The right side Dynamism Metabox select "Post Sidebar Display" to "Without Sidebar", "Post Thumbnail Display" to "Hide", "Post Title Display" to "Show", "Post Meta Display" to "Hide", "WPBakery Page Builder Page" to "No"
Step 4: Paste the Example code into the editor
Step 5: Here are the admin screenshot of Donate Us page
Step 6: Go to Appearance->Menus from the admin side left panel and add this page to the menu
Step 1: Go to "Contact > Add New" from the left panel.
Step 2: Input the title "Contact form 1" of the Contact Form and Setup the From portion of the contact from(Ex: See the following screenshot)
Step 3: Setup the Mail portion of the contact from (Ex: See the following screenshot)
Step 4: Setup the Messages portion of the contact from (Ex: See the following screenshot)
Step 5: Click Save to save the Form and add a page (Volunteer Form) then add the form in this page using WPBakery Page Builder to achieve the form output (Ex: See the following screenshot)
Step 6: Go to "Pages > Add New" from the left panel.
Step 7: Input the title "Become Volunteer" of the page. From the right side Page Attribute, select Home Page from the Template selection dropdown. From The right side Dynamism Metabox select "Post Sidebar Display" to "Without Sidebar", "Post Thumbnail Display" to "Hide", "Post Title Display" to "Hide", "Post Meta Display" to "Hide", "WPBakery Page Builder Page" to "Yes"
Step 8: Click on Backend Editor to achieve WPBakery Page Builder drag n drop process
Step 9: Click on Add New Element to achieve a Row of WPBakery Page Builder
Step 10: Inside the Row you can add different elements by drag n drop WPBakery Page Builder
Step 11: We add WPBakery Page Builder Different Elements for this page.
Step 12: You should see the WPBakery Page Builder and WPBakery Page Builder Ultimate Addon Documentation in the Documentation Folder
Step 13: Here are the screenshot of Different Elements we used in the Become Volunteer page and link the Apply Now button with the page Volunteer Form
Step 14: Go to Appearance->Menus from the admin side left panel and add this page to the menu
Step 1: Go to "Contact > Add New" from the left panel.
Step 2: Input the title "Contact form 1" of the Contact Form and Setup the From portion of the contact from(Ex: See the following screenshot)
Step 3: Setup the Mail portion of the contact from (Ex: See the following screenshot)
Step 4: Setup the Messages portion of the contact from (Ex: See the following screenshot)
Step 5: Click Save to save the Form and you'll get a form short code which we'll paste in a page to achieve the form output
Step 6: Go to "Pages > Add New" from the left panel.
Step 7: Input the title "Contact 1" of the page. From the right side Page Attribute, select Home Page from the Template selection dropdown. From The right side Dynamism Metabox select "Post Sidebar Display" to "Without Sidebar", "Post Thumbnail Display" to "Hide", "Post Title Display" to "Hide", "Post Meta Display" to "Hide", "WPBakery Page Builder Page" to "Yes"
Step 8: Click on Backend Editor to achieve WPBakery Page Builder drag n drop process
Step 9: Click on Add New Element to achieve a Row of WPBakery Page Builder
Step 10: Inside the Row you can add different elements by drag n drop WPBakery Page Builder
Step 11: We add WPBakery Page Builder Google Map, Info Box and Text Block Elements for this page.
Step 12: You should see the WPBakery Page Builder and WPBakery Page Builder Ultimate Addon Documentation in the Documentation Folder
Step 13: Setup the Google Map Elements Latitude and longitude to achieve the map. Paste the short code into the Text Block (Ex: like following you'll have a short code)
[contact-form-7 id="75" title="Contact form 1"]
Step 14: Here are the screenshot of Different Block Elements we used in the Contact 1 page
Step 15: Here are the screenshot of Different Block Elements we used in the Contact 2 page
Step 16: Go to Appearance->Menus from the admin side left panel and add this page to the menu
Step 1: After installing the WooCommerce plugin during the theme installation you'll have all the pages (Cart, Store, My Account, Checkout) related to WooCommerce in the left panel Appearnce->Menu section. Going to left panel Appearnce->Menu add these item to the main menu
Step 2: To add a WooCommerce category go to Products->Categories from the left panel and then add new product Category
Step 3: To add a WooCommerce Products go to Products->Add Product from the left panel and then add new products under any Categories
Step 4: Now you should see all the added new products in the front end Store/Shop Page
Step 5: if you want to use WooCommerce as an advance user then refer this link WooCommerce Docs , you'll have all the things as an advance user
Dynamism Theme comes with six widget areas. Two widget areas for Blog and Four for Footer.
Dynamism Theme comes with six month premium support directly from the developer.
Dynamism WordPress theme offers cool translation feature. So, beside the English you can easily translate the theme text for other languages as well. Check following steps to translate "Dynamism" WordPress theme.
Step 01: To translate the theme texts, please download and install Poedit software in your computer. Here goes the download link- https://poedit.net/download
Step 02: Next, navigate to /wp-content/themes/dynamism/languages/. You will get a file named 'dynamism.pot'.
Step 03: For example, we want to translate our theme text in to Dutch language. So, copy 'dynamism.pot' file and rename it to 'de_De.pot'
Step 04: Now, open that newly created 'de_De.pot' file using Poedit software. You will get all the theme texts in there and you just need to add appropriate translated text in Translation box.
Step 05: Finally, save the file and you'll get 'de_De.mo' file inside languages folder.
Not sure about country and language code? Get your Country Code and Language code.
To update theme you can follow the steps-
Before updating the theme, we recommend you to make backup of your modified files. Also deactivate the current version before uploading the new theme file.
We have used Senior Care WordPress theme to demonstrate the upgrade process. You can follow the same steps to upgrade this theme.
Upgrading to version 1.3.3
2023, August 21 - v 1.2.7
2023, June, 08 - v 1.2.6
2023, January, 05 - v 1.2.5
2022, July, 26 - v 1.2.4
2022, May, 28 - v 1.2.3
2021, December, 31 - v 1.2.2
2021, July, 25 - v 1.2.1
2021, March, 16 - v 1.2.0
2021, January, 25 - v 1.1.9
2020, December, 02 - v 1.1.8
2020, October, 02 - v 1.1.7
2020, July, 25 - v 1.1.6
2020, January, 25 - v 1.1.5
2019, August, 19 - v 1.1.4
2019, February, 16 - v 1.1.3
2019, February, 07 - v 1.1.2
2015, November, 15 - v 1.0.0
- Initial release
Social Icons
Step 01 From Admin menu, navigate to Dynamism Options >> Header Content >> Social Icons tab.
Step 02: You can customize menu color, menu item background, menu fonts and set padding/margin according to your requirement.
Step 03: Finally, click Save Changes button to save the settings.