Undo My Vote Addon - Pro Voting Manager Addon

  • Plugin Version: 1.0.6
  • Last Update: 07/12/2024
  • Release Date: 05/07/2021
  • Web Site: https://bluewindlab.net
  • Developed By: Mahbub Alam Khan
  • Skype: bluewindlab

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Plugin Overview

This Addon allows your users to undo their submitted vote. This addon automatically added a custom undo button to the voting box, so user can easily undo their vote. Also, admin users can limit the number of undo for the users vote.


You need at least WordPress version 5.3+ installed for this plugin to work properly. It is strongly recommended that you always use the latest stable version of WordPress to ensure all known bugs and security issues are fixed.

You need to install BWL Pro Voting Manager Plugin to use "Undo My Vote Addon For BWL Pro Voting Manager". Minimum version 1.2.5 required.

Other requirements:
  • PHP version 5.4.45 or greater.
  • MySQL version 5.5.51 or greater.

Plugin Installation

To install a plugin, you must first upload the plugin files and then activate the theme. The plugin files can be uploaded in two ways:

  • FTP Upload: Using your FTP client, upload the non-zipped plugin folder into the /wp-content/plugins/ folder on your server.
  • WordPress Upload: Navigate to Plugins >> Add New >> Upload Plugin. Go to browse, and select the zipped theme folder. Hit "Install Now" and the theme will be uploaded and installed.

Step 01: Go to WP admin dashboard and click on Plugins >> Add New.

Step 02: Click on Upload Plugin and upload the "bpvm-undo-my-vote-addon.zip" file.

Step 03: Once plugin successfully uploaded in your server you will get an message to activate it. Click on Activate Plugin Link and plugin will be ready to use . After activating plugin, you will redirect in plugins section of wp-admin panel and display new installed plugins information in there.

Step 04: Now you are ready to use Undo My Vote Addon For BWL Pro Voting Manager!

How To Operate Addon

- Once you have completed installation process, the Addon will automatically added a Undo button to the voting box like the following screenshot.

- To display the Undo button you need to turn on the Enable Undo Vote Option? option.

- By default, any users can undo their votes for the entire website maximum 5 times. However, you can change this from options panel.

Translate Plugin Layouts

"Undo My Vote Addon For BWL Pro Voting Manager" provides the translation feature. For that reason, you can easily install, translate and use this addon to any website. Here go the step by step translation processes.

  1. If you are doing "localization of a plugin" for the first time, then I recommend you to check this video. https://youtu.be/ITqRZCjP_pA
  2. Inside the plugin "lang" folder, you will get a file named bpvm-umv.pot.
  3. For editing and generating .po file this file, you need to install "poedit" software in your computer.
  4. Our Plugin text-domain is 'bpvm-umv'
  5. Suppose you want to translate plugin in to "German" language. So,".po" file name will be
    "bpvm-umv-de_DE.po". That's all.
  6. For country code check - https://www.gnu.org/savannah-checkouts/gnu/gettext/manual/html_node/Country-Codes.html#Country-Codes
  7. For Language code check - https://www.gnu.org/savannah-checkouts/gnu/gettext/manual/html_node/Usual-Language-Codes.html#Usual-Language-Codes

Upgrade Notes

Important Note:

If you modified any files of addon, please take a backup before update all files and folder. We highly recommend to take backup of language files.

Upgrading from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6

  • Replace all files and directories in your plugins/bpvm-undo-my-vote-addon folder.

Change Log

2024, December, 08 - v 1.0.6
  • Updated: Plugin compatibility with the latest WordPress, translation file, & documentation.
2023, September 09 - v 1.0.5
  • Fixed: Plugin code issues.
  • Updated: Plugin language/translation file.
  • Updated: Plugin documentation.
2023, September 07 - v 1.0.4
  • Fixed: Plugin code issues.
  • Updated: Plugin language/translation file.
  • Updated: Plugin documentation.
2023, July 30 - v 1.0.3
  • Fixed: Plugin code issues.
2023, July 27 - v 1.0.2
  • Fixed: Plugin code issues.
  • Updated: Plugin language/translation file.
  • Updated: Plugin documentation.
2023, July 17 - v 1.0.1
  • Updated: Plugin styles and javascripts.
  • Updated: Plugin language/translation file.
  • Updated: Plugin documentation.

2021, July 05 - v 1.0.0
- Initial release

Sources and Credits

  1. jQuery Plugin
  2. Font Awesome
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