Templify KB - Knowledge Base Addon Documentation

Last Edited: 10/12/2024
Created: 04/05/2015
By: Mahbub Alam Khan
Support: Get Premium Support
Web Site: bluewindlab.net

Thank you for purchasing Templify KB - Knowledge Base Addon. If you like this plugin, feel free to rate it five stars at CodeCanyon downloads section. If you encounter any problems please do not give a low rating but contact me first. So I can help you.
Thank You!

Table of Contents

  1. Quick Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. How To Use?
  4. Option Panel
  5. Translate Addon
  6. Upgrade Notes
  7. Change Log
  8. Credits
  9. Conclusion

A. Quick Introduction? - top

Templify KB - Knowledge Base Addon allows you to display Knowledge Base categories, tags and single posts in custom templates without modifying any of the files inside theme forlder. Addon automatically handle BWL Knowledge base categories, tags and single posts templates. Addon comes with responsive and mobile friendly grid layout. So that you can easily display you're Knowledge Base contents in small devices.

Addone comes with built-in widget feature. You can add any custom widgets in sidebar areas only for the KB posts. That means you have the complete freedom to manage knowledge base page sidebar contents.

Addon has extensive option panel that allows you to customize page layout, search box settings, breadcrumb settings and many more. You can display catgories and tags in 4 different style with 3 different page layout(Right sidebar/ Left Sidebar/ Full Width). Also, you can enable/disable any templates from option panel.

No matter which WordPress theme you're using, addon automatically sync it's layout with theme structure. You may need to add some custom stylesheet to adjust layout a little bit. That's why we added custom CSS panel to insert custom CSS code without changing theme/plugin original CSS code.

Checkout plugin outlook in WordPress site-

B. Installation: - top

You need to install BWL Knowledge Base Manager Plugin to use "Templify KB - Knowledge Base Addon". Minimum version 1.0.9 required.

- Steps:

  1. Go to plugins section in your wordpress admin panel and click Add New to install plugin.
  2. Now, upload the "bkbm-template-manager.zip" file.
  3. Once plugin successfully uploaded in your server you will get an message to activate it. Click on "Activate Plugin" Link and plugin will be ready to use.
  4. After activating plugins, you will redirect in plugins section of wp-admin panel and show new installed plugins information in there.

C. How To Use? - top

- Once installation has been completed successfully, Addon automatically start handling Knowledge Base categories, tags and single post contents. Each templates has three type of layouts- Right sidebar, Left sidebar and Full Width. You can set layouts from option panel.

Category Layout:

Tag Layout:

Single Knowledgebase Layout:

Addon Option panel: - top

How to set category/Tag Template Post Styling?

There are 4 types of styling (Rounded/Rectangular/Iconized/Simple) for display category and tag items. Go to option panel 'Knowledge base page' section and select you're preferable style from the list. -

How to set home page URL in breadcrumb?

To set Knowledge base home page URL in the breadcrumb, you need to set knowledge base Home page slug. To get home page slug go to 'Page' section in WordPress admin panel and click 'Quick Edit' and copy 'slug' value. Use this slug value as 'Knowledge base Home Page Slug'.

Step: 01

Step: 02

Step: 03

Step: 04

How to use custom widget?

Addon comes with widget feature. So that you can easily set custom widgets only for knowledge base category, tag and single post templates. It's very easy to use like regular WordPress widget. Go to widgets section in admin panel and you will a new widget panel called 'BKBM Custom Sidebar'. Add you're preferable widgets in that new sidebar panel. -

E. Translate Plugin. - top

"Templify KB" offers cool translation feature. So, you can easily add this plugin any kind of website. Check following steps for translate "Templify KB" plugin.

  1. Inside of Addon "lang" folder you will get a file named "en_EN.po" file. To edit this file you need to install "poedit" software in your computer.
  2. Our Addon text-domain is 'bkb_tpl'
  3. If you are doing "localization of a plugin" for the first time, then I recommend you to check this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGN-hbMCPMg
  4. Suppose you want to translate plugin in to "German" language.
    So,".po" file name will be "bkb_tpl-de_DE.po". That's all.
  5. For country code check - https://www.gnu.org/savannah-checkouts/gnu/gettext/manual/html_node/Country-Codes.html#Country-Codes
  6. For Language code check - https://www.gnu.org/savannah-checkouts/gnu/gettext/manual/html_node/Usual-Language-Codes.html#Usual-Language-Codes

F. Upgrade Notes - top

Please take a backup before update all files and folder.

2024, December, 10 - v 1.1.7
- Replace all files and folders.

G. Change Log - top

2024, December, 10 - v 1.1.7

  • Updated: Plugin for WordPress 6.7.1
  • Updated: Plugin language/translation file.
  • Updated: Addon documentation.

2024, July, 16 - v 1.1.6

2023, March, 12 - v 1.1.5

2017, June, 18 - v 1.0.6

2017, April, 18 - v 1.0.5
ADDED Bootstrap compatibility option in option panel.
FIXED: RTL issues for breadcrumb and KB post navigation.
IMPROVED: Category/tag/single template files.
IMPROVED: Addon performance.
UPDATED: Language File.
UPDATED: Documentation File.

2016, December, 31 - v 1.0.4
FIXED: Template layout issue.
IMPROVED: Addon performance.
UPDATED: Language File.
UPDATED: Documentation File.

2016, June, 07 - v 1.0.3
FIXED: Multi-site notification issue.
IMPROVED: Addon performance.
UPDATED: Language File.
UPDATED: Documentation File.

2015, April, 27 - v 1.0.2
- Added perfect responsive layout. Fxied issue for mobile device layout.
- Added option in option panel to set title font tag, size in single page.
- Added option in option panel to set margin in single/category/tag template.
- Fixed pagination layout in category/tag pages.
- Added option to set padding in template content & sidebar area from option panel.
IMPROVED: Addon performance.
UPDATED: Language File.
UPDATED: Documentation File.

2015, November, 20 - v 1.0.1
- Added Enable/Disable Template Feature.
- Added Feature to user existing theme sidebars with custom KB template.
- Added Category/Topics Post Ordering Feature.
- Enable/Disable Template Stylesheet Feature.
IMPROVED: Addon performance.
UPDATED: Language File.
UPDATED: Documentation File.

2015, June, 21 - v 1.0.0
- Initial release.

H. Credits - top

- Ideas & Coded By Mahbub Alam Khan

- BWL Knowledge Base Manager Plugin Plugin By bluewindlab

H. Conclusion: - top

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing Templify KB - Knowledge Base Addon.

Md. Mahbub Alam Khan

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