KB Addon For WP Bakery Page Builder - 1.1.2

Last Edited: 10/12/2024
Created: 15/02/2016
By: Mahbub Alam Khan
Support: Send Email
Web Site: bluewindlab.net

Thank you for purchasing KB Addon For WP Bakery Page Builder. If you like this plugin, feel free to rate it five stars at CodeCanyon downloads section. If you encounter any problems please do not give a low rating but contact me first. So I can help you.
Thank You!

Table of Contents

  1. Quick Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. How To Use?
  4. Option Panel
  5. Upgrade Notes
  6. Change Log
  7. Credits
  8. Conclusion

A. Quick Introduction? - top

The most powerful and unique KB Addon For WP Bakery Page Builder to create a KB page for your site within few minutes. Addon comes with 7 custom Visual Composer block that allows you to create custom KB layouts very quickly. Each block has drag & drop powered sorting option. So, you can easily manage KB categories, tags and tabs according to your requirements.

Addon also gives you the front end editing feature. That's why you can also manage KB contents from front end of your site. Here goes the full feature lists of Addon-


B. Installation: - top

You need to install Visual Composer & BWL Knowledge Base Manager to use "KB Addon For WP Bakery Page Builder".

- Steps:

  1. Go to plugins section in your wordpress admin panel and click Add New to install plugin.
  2. Now, upload the "kb-addon-for-visual-composer.zip" file.
  3. Once plugin successfully uploaded in your server you will get an message to activate it. Click on "Activate Plugin" Link and plugin will be ready to use.
  4. After activating plugins, you will redirect in plugins section of wp-admin panel and show new installed plugins information in there.

C. How To Use? - top

- Once installation has been completed successfully, Addon automatically add a new menu(BWL KB) in visual composer "Content" section.

- Knowledge base Addon Blocks:

01. Knowledge Base Category Block:

01.1 Knowledge Base Category Settings Block:

02. Knowledge Base Tags Block:

03. Knowledge Base Tab Block:

04. Knowledge Base Search Block:

05. Knowledge Base External Question Block:

06. Knowledge Base Counter Block:

07. Knowledge Base Question Modal Button Block:

08. Knowledge Base Recent/Popular/Featured Posts Block:

- Now you can also edit KB content using front end editor.

E. Upgrade Notes - top

Please take a backup before update all files and folder.

2024, December, 10 - v 1.1.5
- Replace all files and folders

F. Change Log - top

2024, December, 10 - v 1.1.5

2024, July, 16 - v 1.0.8

2018, April, 13 - v 1.0.7
- Added extra class insert option with every block.
- Added animation option with every block.
- Improved Addon for VC latest version.
- Improved language file.
- Improved documentation.

2017, May, 11 - v 1.0.6
- Added Recent/Popular/Featured Posts Block.
- Improved language file.
- Improved Addon for VC latest version.
- Improved documentation.

2017, April, 20 - v 1.0.5
- Added 3 column layout options for boxed layout.
- Added option show total post count below the link.
- Improved Addon for VC latest version.
- Improved documentation.

2017, January, 16 - v 1.0.4
- Added "KB Modified By Date" sorting option in category and tag VC block.
- Added option to add custom text for KB Featured/Popular/Recent Tab.
- Improved Addon for VC latest version.
- Improved documentation.

2016, October, 05 - v 1.0.3
- Fixed order by title issue.
- Fixed admin panel broken KB column layout issue.
- Update documentation.

2016, July, 23 - v 1.0.2
- Fixed counter block title and icon issue.
- Update Language File.
- Update documentation.

2016, June, 05 - v 1.0.1
- Added Knowledge base counter block.
- Added Ask A Question Modal Button Block.
- Added Vertial Tab Feature.
- Improved Addon Performance.
- Update Language File.
- Update documentation.

2016, February, 15 - v 1.0.0
- Initial release

G. Credits - top

- Ideas & Coded By Md Mahbub Alam Khan

- Visual Composer

- BWL Knowledge Base Manager

H. Conclusion: - top

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing KB Addon For WP Bakery Page Builder.

Md. Mahbub Alam Khan

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