FAQ Tab For WooCommerce - Advanced FAQ Addon

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Addon Overview

FAQ Tab For WooCommerce allows you to convert you're FAQ posts in to WooCommerce product FAQ item with in a minute. You can add unlimited number of FAQ post as product FAQ items and using drag drop feature sort them according to you're choice.

Addon comes with Unique Searchable Accordion jQuery Plugin. So that you're user can easily find their required contents from long FAQ lists. Also pagination feature gives the flexibility to present large no of FAQ items very easily.

In admin panel, Addon automatically integrate two custom columns(No of FAQs and FAQ Tab Display Status) with each WooCommerce product. This options gives you a quick overview about product FAQ status. you can easily show/hide FAQ tab using Quick and Bulk Edit option. You can also doing this while add/edit product information.

Addon also brings extensive option panel that allows you to configure FAQ tabs according to you're need. You can set FAQ tab order, set TAB title, set Pagination & many more. Checkout plugin outlook in WordPress site-

Installation Requirements

You need at least WordPress version 4.8+ installed for this plugin to work properly. It is strongly recommended that you always use the latest stable version of WordPress to ensure all known bugs and security issues are fixed. Other requirements:

  • PHP version 5.3 or greater.
  • MySQL version 5.0.15 or greater.


You need to install BWL Advanced FAQ Manager Plugin to use "Ajaxified FAQ Search - Advanced FAQ Addon". Minimum version 1.6.5 required.

Installation Steps

To install a plugin, you must first upload the plugin files and then activate the theme. The plugin files can be uploaded in two ways:

  • FTP Upload: Using your FTP client, upload the non-zipped plugin folder into the /wp-content/plugins/ folder on your server.
  • WordPress Upload: Navigate to Plugins >> Add New >> Upload Plugin. Go to browse, and select the zipped theme folder. Hit "Install Now" and the theme will be uploaded and installed.

Step 01: Go to WP admin dashboard and click on Plugins >> Add New.

Step 02: Click on Upload Plugin and upload the "faq-tab-for-woocommerce.zip" file.

Step 03: Once plugin successfully uploaded in your server you will get an message to activate it. Click on Activate Plugin Link and plugin will be ready to use . After activating plugin, you will redirect in plugins section of wp-admin panel and display new installed plugins information in there.

Step 04: Now you are ready to use FAQ Tab For WooCommerce Addon! In left sidebar menu you will see a new section like following image.

Operate The Addon

- Once installation has been completed successfully, go to Products page from admin menu. You will see two custom columns(No of FAQs & FAQ Tab Display Status) with each WooCommerce product row.

- Now, click on any product 'Edit' link and you will see FAQ Item Settings section just below the product description editor box. Click Add New button will allow you to add new FAQ item. You can also show/hide FAQ tab from this section. Check following image-

- Once you added all the items successfully, click Update button to save all the change and you will see the output in front-end section. From the following image you can see the highlighted results of filtered items.

- Using Quick Edit & Bulk Edit feature you can easily change the status of FAQ tab display settings.

Addon Option Panel

- Addon has extensive option panel that allows you to configure FAQ tabs according to you're need.

Translate FAQ Plugin

FAQ Tab For WooCommerce WordPress Plugin offers amazing translation feature. Besides the English, you can easily translate the plugin text into other languages. Check following steps to translate "FAQ Tab For WooCommerce" WordPress plugin.

Addon Translation Steps

Step 01: To translate the plugin texts, please download and install Poedit software in your computer. Here goes the download link- https://poedit.net/download

Step 02: Next, navigate to /wp-content/plugins/bwl-advanced-faq-manager/lang/. You will get a file named en_EN.po.

Step 03: Our Plugin text-domain is 'baf-faqtfw'. Now, we want to translate our theme text in to Dutch language. So, copy en_EN.po file and rename it as baf-faqtfw-de_DE.po

Step 04: Now, open that newly created 'baf-faqtfw-de_DE.po' file using Poedit software. You will get all the plugin texts in there and you just need to add appropriate translated text in Translation box.

Step 05: Finally, save the file and you will get 'baf-faqtfw-de_DE.mo' file inside languages folder.


Not sure about country and language code? Get your Country Code and Language code.


Upgrade Notes

Important Note:

If you modified any files of plugin, please take a backup before update all files and folder. We highly recommend to take backup of language files.

Upgrading from 1.1.6 to 1.1.7

  • Replace all files and directories in your plugins/faq-tab-for-woocommerce folder.

Change Log

2024, July 17 - v 1.1.7
  • Updated: Plugin code.
  • Updated: Plugin for WordPress 6.5.5
  • Updated: Plugin language/translation file.
  • Updated: Plugin documentation.
2024, June 14 - v 1.1.6
  • Fixed: Plugin update notice warning message.
  • Updated: Plugin for WordPress 6.5.4
  • Updated: Plugin language/translation file.
  • Updated: Plugin documentation.
2023, September 11 - v 1.1.5
  • Updated: Plugin code issues.
  • Updated: Plugin for WordPress 6.3.1
  • Updated: Plugin for WooCommerce 8.0.3
  • Updated: Plugin language/translation file.
  • Updated: Plugin documentation.
2023, August 10 - v 1.1.4
  • Updated: Plugin admin panel product column issues.
  • Updated: Plugin language/translation file.
  • Updated: Plugin documentation.

2023, August, 03 - v 1.1.3
- Fixed: Plugin code issues.

2023, July, 30 - v 1.1.2
- Fixed: Plugin code issues.

2023, July, 27 - v 1.1.1
- Fixed: Plugin code issues.

2019, January, 18 - v 1.0.5
- Improved: Compatibility checked for WooCommerce latest version.
- Improved: Plugin performance.
- Updated: Plugin language/translation file.
- Updated: Plugin documentation.

2018, August, 25 - v 1.0.4
- Improved: Compatibility checked for WooCommerce(3.4.x) latest version.
- Improved: Plugin performance.
- Updated: Plugin language/translation file.
- Updated: Plugin documentation.

2018, March, 24 - v 1.0.3
- Improved: Compatibility checked for WooCommerce(3.3.4) latest version.
- Improved: Plugin performance.
- Updated: Plugin language/translation file.
- Updated: Plugin documentation.

2018, March, 06 - v 1.0.2
- Improved: Compatibility checked for WooCommerce(3.3.3) latest version.
- Improved: Plugin performance.
- Updated: Plugin language/translation file.
- Updated: Plugin documentation.

2017, July, 31 - v 1.0.1
- Fixed: WooCommerce 3.x.x notice issue.
- Improved: Addon Option Panel.
- Fixed: Language issue.
- Improved: Load JS and CSS file where actually required.
- Improved: Plugin performance.
- Updated: Plugin language/translation file.
- Updated: Plugin documentation.

2015, August, 16 - v 1.0.0
- Initial release

Sources and Credits

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