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BWL Searchable Accordion is A premium jQuery Plugin, which provides you the most quickest and convenient way to create a responsive and animated accordions for your web site or web application with in couple of minutes.
Unique content search feature of the Accordion plugin allows your user to find their required content very easily from a long accordion lists. No need to check every single accordion item. Plugin also highlight the search keywords in to accordion matched contents and it's provide the best user experience. Below the search box, You can also display useful suggestion box with pre-defined keywords based on your accordion content. So, users can quickly get their answers.
Pagination of the Accordion rows is the most useful as well as powerful feature of this plugin. Traditional multi-level accordion needs huge amount of HTML codes and will take too much time to manage accordion rows. Now, you can display a large number of accordion rows with a very small space of you site. No more extra code to manage accordion blocks.
Plugin offers you the most flexible way to customize theme of accordion. In addition, Searchable accordion jQuery plugin comes with 6 pre-defined themes. Also, you have the full freedom to set your very own colors as accordion theme. 3+ stylish navigation box and 4+ custom navigation arrows gives the best looks your accordion content.
If you want to use Searhcable Accordion Plugin in a RTL supported site, then you just need to add a single line of code. Really ? Rest of the things will be automatically handled by the plugin.
Searchable Accordion jQuery plugin comes with well commented JavaScript code and valid HTML5 markup. So that, you can easily customize code without any issue. Package also contain LESS files, which allows you to customize styles by just changing few lines of code. Lets take a look at the major features of Searchable accordion plugin-
├─ assets/
├─ lib/
│ ├─ animate
│ ├─ font-awesome
│ ├─ fonts
│ ├─ jquery
├─ src/
│ ├─ images
│ ├─ js
│ ├─ styles
│ ├─ index.js
├─ .gitignore
├─ index.html
├─ package.json
├─ README.md
You must include the CSS Stylesheet in your page header. Make sure file paths are correct, check the 'index.html' file for an example:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="libs/font-awesome/font-awesome.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="libs/animate/animate.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/bwlaccordion.css">
You must include the JS files in your page footer before body tag end. Make sure to check your include jquery.min.js file before jquery.bwlaccordion.min.js file and file paths are correct, check the 'index.html' file for an example:
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="assets/jquery.bwlaccordion.min.js"></script>
To insert the accordion into your page, simply open the 'index.html' file in the color you would like, and copy the code between these tags:
<!-- Start BWL Searchable Accordion -->
<!-- End BWL Searchable Accordion -->
This plugin comes with very simple HTML layout to create unlimited no of accordion rows.
Here is the general structure:
<div class="bwl_acc_container" id="accordion_1">
<div class="accordion_search_container">
<input type="text" class="accordion_search_input_box search_icon" value="" placeholder="Search ..."/>
</div> <!-- end .bwl_acc_container -->
<div class="search_result_container"></div> <!-- end .search_result_container -->
<h2 class="acc_title_bar"><a href="#">Accordion Title #1</a></h2>
<div class="acc_container">
<div class="block">
accordion content for title 1
<h2 class="acc_title_bar"><a href="#">Accordion Title #2</a></h2>
<div class="acc_container">
<div class="block">
accordion content for title 2
<h2 class="acc_title_bar"><a href="#">Accordion Title #3</a></h2>
<div class="acc_container">
<div class="block">
accordion content for title 3
</div> <!-- end .bwl_acc_container -->
This plugin comes with extensive options that allow you to configure everything from your index.html file without touching single line of code in plugin file. Lets take a look at options:
// Default Options Setion.
$.fn.bwlAccordion.config = {
search: true, // true/false
placeholder: 'Search .....', // You can write any thing as a placeholder text.
suggestion_box: false, // display a suggestion box.
sbox_title: 'Popular Searches:', // Add custom search box title.
sbox_keywords: 'FAQ,Purchase', // Add custom keywords for search box.
search_only_title: false, // Allow search only accordion title.
theme: 'default', // theme-red/theme-blue/theme-green/theme-orange/theme-yellow
title_bg: '#2c2c2c', // accordion heading background.
title_text_color: '#FFFFFF', // accordion heading text color.
nav_box_bg: '#B8B831', // accordion heading nagivation background.
title_active_bg: '#414141', // Active accordion bar heading background.
title_active_text_color: '#F0F0F0', // Active accordion heading tex color.
nav_active_box_bg: '#d0d051', // Active accordion heading nagivation background.
animation: 'fade', // flash/shake/tada/swing/wobble/pulse/flipx/faderight/fadeleft/slide/slideup/bounce/lightspeed/roll/rotate/fade/none
rtl: false,
msg_item_found: ' Item(s) Found !',
msg_no_result: 'Nothing Found !',
ctrl_btn: false, //Display expand all/ collapse all button.
toggle: false, //Turn it on, If you want to open only one section and keep other section collapsed.
closeall: true, // Closed all the section on initialization( Added in version 1.0.6),
item_opened: 0, // If cloase all false then only first item will be opened. Default: 0 (First Child). Set "all" to open all items.
nav_box: '', // cross/square/arrow/circle (default: cross)
nav_icon: '', // plus/angle/angle_double/angle_caret/angle_chevron (default: plus)
highlight_bg: "#FFFF80", // founded item background color
highlight_color: '#000000', // founded item text color.
pagination: false, // pagination status.
limit: 2, // item per page.,
query_string: false
// Accordion with default settings.
// Accordion Search Only In Accordion Title
search_only_title: true
// Accordion with pagination.
pagination: true,
limit: 4
// Accordion with expand all/ collapse all button.
ctrl_btn: true
// Accordion with toggle section.
toggle: true
// Accordion with all closed section.
closeall: true
// Accordion with all opened section.
closeall: false,
item_opened: "all",
theme: 'theme-red'
// Accordion with opened only even rows.
closeall: false,
item_opened: "even",
theme: 'theme-blue'
// Accordion with opened only odd rows.
closeall: false,
item_opened: "odd",
theme: 'theme-yellow'
// Accordion with opened only custom rows.
closeall: false,
item_opened: [0,3],
theme: 'theme-green'
rtl : true,
pagination: true, // pagination status.
limit: 2 // item per page.
Available Animations: flash/shake/tada/swing/wobble/pulse/flipx/faderight/fadeleft/slide/slideup/bounce/lightspeed/roll/rotate/fade/none
animation: 'fade'
Available Themes: theme-red/theme-blue/theme-green/theme-orange/theme-yellow/theme-custom
animation: 'shake',
theme: 'theme-red'
You can set your own colors for accordion layout.
theme: 'custom',
title_bg: '#800080',
title_text_color: '#FFFFFF', // accordion heading text color
nav_box_bg: '#000000', // accordion heading nagivation background
title_active_bg: '#800080', // Active accordion bar heading background
title_active_text_color: '#F0F0F0', // Active accordion heading tex color
nav_active_box_bg: '#2c2c2c', // Active accordion heading nagivation background
//Add Custom Message in search box place holder and search result.
placeholder: ' Add search box place holder text',
msg_item_found : ' Add message here for number of items found',
msg_no_result : ' Add message here for zero item found',
rtl : true
suggestion_box: true,
sbox_title : 'Trending KeyWords: ',
sbox_keywords: 'offer, exclusive, free, get, buy, package, accordion'
suggestion_box: true,
sbox_title : 'Popular KeyWords: ',
sbox_keywords: 'offer, exclusive, free, get, buy, package, accordion',
query_string: true,
pagination: true,
limit: 4,
theme: 'theme-blue'
query_string: true
Query string support feature allows you to share a link of your site with a query keyword. That means, now you can customize your accordion page URL and display only specific accordion rows based on that keyword.
For example- your accordion page URL is https://example.com/accordion-demo.html and you have added all your accordion contents in there. Now, you want to share that page link to your customer and when your customer visit that link then they will only view the accordion rows which contain 'popular' word. To do this, you just need to add a new parameter in your URL like this- https://example.com/accordion-demo.html?query=popular
If you would like to edit a specific section of the site, simply find the appropriate label in the CSS file, and then scroll down until you find the appropriate style that needs to be edited.
01. Accordion basic styles
01.1 Expand/Collapse box style.
02. Accordion search container
03. Accordion title bar & Themes
03.1 Default theme(Olive)
03.2 Red theme
03.3 Blue theme
03.4 Green theme
03.5 Orange theme
03.6 Yellow theme
03.7 Custom theme
04. Accordion content
05. Pagination styling
06. Custom nav box
06.1 Square
06.2 Arrow
06.3 Crcile
07. Custom nav icon
07.1 Angle
07.2 Angle Double
07.3 Caret
07.4 chevron
08. RTL support
09. Responsive styling
I've included SCSS files. You will get that files inside of src/styles/ folder. Using this file you can easily customize theme colors. Open "base/_variables.scss" file and you will see 5 Predefined color sets already added in that less file. Just change color scheme according to your taste and complie that less file.
$theme-red-title-bar-bg: #e31d1a;
$theme-blue-title-bar-bg: #2d9fd0;
$theme-green-title-bar-bg: #3f9f39;
$theme-orange-title-bar-bg: #ff9900;
$theme-yellow-title-bar-bg: #ffe140;
.baf-faq-container label{}
.baf-faq-container .baf_content{}
You just need to purchase " FAQ Tab For WooCommerce ($15) " addon to use FAQ plugin with WooCommerce. You can use your existing FAQs as WooCommerce product FAQ. So, you don't need to create FAQ again for your product. It's super easy to use and very efficient.
Upgrading to 1.1.5
If you modified any files of plugin, please take a backup before update all files and folder.
- Improved Plugin code.
- Updated Documentation.
- Improved Plugin code.
- Updated Documentation.
- Added option to search only accordion title.
- Added option to display suggestion box bottom of search box.
- Added option to query string search.
- Improved Plugin code.
- Updated Documentation.
- Added option to keep open all rows of accordion.
- Added option to keep open only even rows of accordion.
- Added option to keep open only odd rows of accordion.
- Added option to keep open custom rows of accordion.
- Improved Plugin code.
- Updated Documentation.
- Improved Plugin code.
- Updated Documentation.
- Fixed pagination box background issue.
- Fixed custom theme issue for multiple accordion in a page.
- Improved Plugin code.
- Updated Documentation.
- Fixed search results counter issue.
- Improved responsive layout.
- Added custom theme setup option.
- Improved Plugin code.
- Updated Documentation.
- Added Expand all/ Collapse All Button.
- Added All closed accordion feature.
- Added 3 new navigation box type.
- Added 4 new navigation icon type.
- Updated Documentation.
- Fixed live search text
Highlight Coloring
issue for Chrome/Safari/Opera Browswer.
- Updated Documentation.
- Fixed live search issue for link(anchor) tag.
- Updated Documentation.
- Added Pagination Support for long lists of Accordion contents.
- Added Easy clear button for small screen.
- Updated Font Awesome stylesheet.
- Updated Documentation.
- Added Highlight search keyword both accordion heading and content.
- Added Custom highlight background and font color feature.
- Updated Documentation.
- Add toggle feature for accordion content.
- Updated Documentation.
- Initial Release.