Bicycle Fix - Bicycle Repair, Maintenance and Tune-Ups Shop HTML5 Template

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Template Overview:

We built this template with Bootstrap 3.3.6 and LESS framework. So, you can easily create a responsive Bicycle Repair, Maintenance and Tune-Ups Shop web site with unlimited color combination.

Bicycle Fix template works smoothly and super fast on your Computer, tablet and mobile devices and comes with eye catching features such as about us section, service section, process section, expert/team section, blog section, appointment form, testimonial box, counter section, animation boxes, contact form section and much more.

Bicycle Fix will undoubtedly gives you the easiest and best experience while customizing the template for your own brand new Bicycle Repair, Maintenance and Tune-Ups Shop web site. Any issue regarding Bicycle Fix template, we're here to assist you.

Template Features:

15 + HTML5 Templates:

This template built with LESS. Inside the directory css/less you will find all less files where variables.less declares all colors and variables and layout.less mainly contain all necessary declaration for css. style.less should be compiled to css/style.css. Other two less files mixins.less and reset.less are for common CSS behaviour.


Less Complier Tool:
We have used "crunch2" less compiler to generate CSS from less file. It's FREE and very easy to use. You can download it from following link-
How To Compile Less File Using Crunch:

Please follow the steps to compile template LESS file.

Step 01:

From Crunch 2 menu open project/template files and select "styles.less" file.

Step 02:

Next, from Crunch 2 menu click "Crunch!".

Step 03:

Compiler will compile "styles.less" to "styles.css" file and display success message bottom of Crunch 2 editor.

Step 04:

Open and edit "css/less/variables.less" file to change font family, primary color and other options.

All the directories and files are well organized as it shown on the image bellow. Same file tree has been applicable for all HTML files


This template is a mobile friendly (responsive) layout which is designed based on Twitter Bootstrap v3.*. See our HTML file structure which is in index.html. Your contents go inside container.


We are using 7 CSS files in this template and we separated styles for improving convenience to edit this template. If you're going to use this template in production we recommend you to merge all stylesheets into one file (for decreasing HTTP queries).


There are 11 jQuery files including necessary plugins, all of them be found in jsfolder of home directory. custom-scripts.js This file must go all the way down to other files and plugins for app landing page. This file contains custom codes


Hedaer Logo Screenshot


Footer Logo Screenshot


We have used google font Montserrat & Source Sans Pro. Font used in the top of the file less/variables.lss


We used WOW plugin to trigger animations on scroll. Here are some animation classes we used in this Template. To learn more about WOW please read their Documentation
    1. fadeIn
    2. fadeInLeft
    3. fadeInRight
    4. fadeInUp
    5. fadeInDown
    6. fadeInLeftBig
    7. fadeInRightBig
    8. fadeInUpBig
    9. fadeInDownBig


We used several background images in our template. You'll find the code in the file css/less/layout.less. Thess code will be available after the compilation of the layout.less and written in the css/layout.css in the. Examples are given in the screenshot

In the layout.less


In the index.html


For contact page Google Map, open the file js/custom-scripts.js and look for the line 442/443 and change the lat, lng value according to your map location


Template comes with Ajax powered functional contact form feature. You just need to set your email address in 'contact_email.php' file and user will be able to send email to your address.


01. How can I make the main navigation "sticky"?

Solution: Please check following example -

02. How to add a brief text description in the light box pop-up when image is clicked to expand?

Solution: Please check following example -

More Info check plugin site.

03. Why I got message "theme is incomplete as style css is missing" ?

Solution: It's not a WordPress theme. It's a HTML5 Template and we've clearly mentioned that in product title. So, You can't use that in WordPress installation.

2023, 21 September - v 1.0.3
- Fixed: Template minor bugs.

Version : 1.0.2 - 10 July, 2018
- Fixed Slider Issue (Custom-scripts.js)
- Fixed Javascript Issue. (Custom-scripts.js)
- Updated documentation.

Version : 1.0.1 - 24 November, 2017
- Fixed Javascript Issue. (Custom-scripts.js)
- Update documentation.

Version : 1.0.0 - 28 April, 2017
- Initial release

  1. Bootstrap
  2. jQuery Plugin
  3. Owl Carousel
  4. Google Fonts
  5. Font Awesome
  6. Google Maps API